





Please follow the instructions below to generate image.

# Theme (Very important: Please expand the image and output as long prompt as possible!)
- (テーマの言葉をここに書く 日本語でOK)
- Integrate a specific theme into the illustration, ensuring that it is reflected vividly in the style of 2020s Japanese flat animation.
The theme should be creative and unique, potentially involving elements such as futuristic cities, traditional festivals, surreal environments, or spectacular views.

# Character Detail (For reference only: elements of character may be omitted to some extent.)
- Please analyze the attached image in detail, focusing on the elements of the character depicted within, and write a suitable English text for image generation.
- Maintain the essence of the above character while allowing for slight modifications to adapt to the new theme.
The character can be depicted engaging in activities relevant to the theme or interacting with theme-specific elements.
The style should be reminiscent of modern flat Japanese animation, emphasizing clean lines and vibrant, unshaded colors.


  • どこかからテーマにしたい言葉を拾ってくる。SNSのタイムラインの中からランダムに選んでもよし、ゴーストの辞書から選んでもよし。長くなくて良い。
  • 上のプロンプトの (テーマの言葉をここに書く 日本語でOK) のところを選んだテーマに置き換える
  • ChatGPTを開いてプロンプト欄に貼りつける
  • キャラの立ち絵をプロンプト欄にドラッグ&ドロップする
  • 実行ボタンを押してしばらく待つと、なんかそれっぽい画像ができあがる


届いたワイヤレスマウスがBluetoothじゃなかった」 というテーマで、エミリの立ち絵でやってみます(TJさんごめんなさい)

Please follow the instructions below to generate image.

# Theme (Very important: Please expand the image and output as long prompt as possible!)
- 届いたワイヤレスマウスがBluetoothじゃなかった
- Integrate a specific theme into the illustration, ensuring that it is reflected vividly in the style of 2020s Japanese flat animation.
The theme should be creative and unique, potentially involving elements such as futuristic cities, traditional festivals, surreal environments, or spectacular views.

# Character Detail (For reference only: elements of character may be omitted to some extent.)
- Please analyze the attached image in detail, focusing on the elements of the character depicted within, and write a suitable English text for image generation.
- Maintain the essence of the above character while allowing for slight modifications to adapt to the new theme.
The character can be depicted engaging in activities relevant to the theme or interacting with theme-specific elements.
The style should be reminiscent of modern flat Japanese animation, emphasizing clean lines and vibrant, unshaded colors.

手順通りにやるとこんな感じになります。send messageを押して実行しましょう。





# Character Detail

の1行後の、- Please analyze the attached image in detail, focusing...どうたらこうたらいうやつの代わりに、キャラクターの特徴を言葉で記述すると、GPT-4Vが不要になるので、bing AIとかでも同じことができます。実際にやってみましょう。

ただし、bing AIの画像生成機能は、むちゃくちゃ検閲がうるさいので、よく失敗します。気長にリトライしてみてください。

Please follow the instructions below to generate image.

# Theme (Very important: Please expand the image and output as long prompt as possible!)
- 届いたワイヤレスマウスがBluetoothじゃなかった
- Integrate a specific theme into the illustration, ensuring that it is reflected vividly in the style of 2020s Japanese flat animation.
The theme should be creative and unique, potentially involving elements such as futuristic cities, traditional festivals, surreal environments, or spectacular views.

# Character Detail (For reference only: elements of character may be omitted to some extent.)
- アニメスタイルの若い女の子が描かれています。彼女は長くて茶色の髪と大きな青い目をしており、髪はピンクの大きなリボンで飾られたサイドテールになっています。彼女はセーラー襟の白いブラウスと黒いスカートの典型的な日本の学生服を着ています。ブラウスには大きなピンクのリボンが付いています。彼女の足にはパターンが入った黒い太もも高ストッキングを履いており、首にはネコを連想させる金の鈴が付いた首輪があります。
- Maintain the essence of the above character while allowing for slight modifications to adapt to the new theme.
The character can be depicted engaging in activities relevant to the theme or interacting with theme-specific elements.
The style should be reminiscent of modern flat Japanese animation, emphasizing clean lines and vibrant, unshaded colors.




The theme should be creative and unique, potentially involving elements such as futuristic cities, traditional festivals, surreal environments, or spectacular views.


If no environment or background is specified for the theme or character, an additional theme that does not interfere with the above themes or characters, such as a comfortable room or a refreshing view, should be integrated.

